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摘 要




The education of the little children dance plays very important role on the elevation and development of children’s mentality, body, skill, and intelligence. Students are main parts of teaching, which elaborate the main role in dance teaching. Therefore, we should be danced themselves and showed themselves to their heart’s content. Only in this way, students can learn graceful dance under the happy, relaxed and active environment. I carry out the teaching of the little children dance according to this theory, and notice that the train of the little children dance is different from that of adult’s, which has the inherent feature. We should also train the little children dance according to the educating feature of children as well as psychology and physiology of children. The “enlightenment” teaching of little children dance is just the teaching process of “open the method son lesson” that we usually mention. On the basis of feature of children’s psychology and physiology as well as my teaching practice, the content emphatically illustrate the conformity of “spreads the body to teach”, when teacher is in the dance teaching of “open the method son lesson”, which to improve the level of little children dance, to make balance of mind and body in the growth of the little children, to gradually make dance education more formal and systematic, and also to fully develop the educating function of dance.

Key words: the little children dance; enlightenment teaching; to teach students in accordance with their aptitude; spreads the body to teach; correct the movement



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