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My name is Taylor. I'm 17 years old, and I just recently finished my junior year of high school. I guess that means I'm a senior, but I'm a little afraid for fall to roll around1) because that means I will finally have to come face-to-face with my biggest fear: college admissions.

I often feel as though I should already have my life figured out. A lot of my peers already have plans for their post-high school careers, but I find myself shrugging my shoulders every time somebody asks me, "What are you doing after high school?" Not to mention the fact that I'm constantly bombarded2) with reminders from the adults in my life to choose a career path now, right now, specifically one that will make me lots of money and set me on a comfortable path for the rest of my life. Sadly, I know I'm not alone in my distress3).

In a world filled with Taylor Swifts, Justin Biebers and Beyoncés, high schoolers assume that we must know what we're good at and perfect that while we're young. We should be winning awards and going to good schools and starting life-long careers before we can legally drink. We are pressured to take the hardest classes, to get the highest grades, to get into the best colleges, etc. We do this because we are told by society that if we fail while we are young we won't be able to succeed in the future. The fact of the matter4) is that this pressure will never end. We will one day feel pressured to get the best jobs, to get promotions and raises and in turn, we forget to be happy. We forget to do what we actually like because we are too much focused on "succeeding".

Here's the thing.

This is not true. We are young, and we are allowed to be indecisive. We are allowed to change our minds. We are allowed to try something out, realize we don't like it, and switch paths towards things that make us happier. Sure, Taylor Swift was winning Grammys at 18, but Van Gogh didn't start painting until his twenties. J. K. Rowling published the first Harry Potter book in her thirties, and Walt Disney was fired from his job as a newspaper editor because he wasn't creative enough. Despite the pressure we often feel to succeed as soon as possible, these people prove to us that it is possible, and maybe even necessary to try and fail before we truly succeed.

I encourage everyone reading this to choose to do what makes you happy―what fulfills you. It is never ever too late to do anything. So if you know what you want to do now, do it. If you decide you want to do something else when you're 50, do it. And if you don't know what you want to do, take solace5) in the fact that one day you will find your place in the world. For now, all we can do is be confident in ourselves. We are all talented in different ways. We are all beautiful and complex creatures who are capable of amazing things, so it's OK if it takes a few of us a while to figure out what we're going to major in. After all, the most amazing things always take extra time. 我叫泰勒,今年17岁,最近刚刚读完11年级(编注:相当于国内高二,美国高中有四年,即9~12年级)。我想那就意味着我是一名12年级的学生了,但是我有点儿害怕今年秋天的到来,因为那意味着我终将不得不直面自己最大的恐惧:大学录取。




这种观念并不正确。我们还年轻,我们可以举棋不定,我们可以改变主意,我们可以去尝试某些事情,并在意识到自己不喜欢之后另寻他路,朝那些令我们更加快乐的事情前行。没错,泰勒・斯威夫特在18岁时就获得了格莱美奖,但梵高是20多岁时才开始画画的,J. K. 罗琳在30多岁时才出版了她第一部《哈利・波特》,沃尔特・迪士尼在做报纸编辑时还曾因缺乏创造力而被解雇。尽管我们经常会感到要趁早成功带来的压力,但以上这些人却向我们证明,我们在真正成功之前进行尝试并失败都是可能发生的,甚至是有必要经历的。


1. roll around: (时间、季节等)到来;(事件)发生

2. bombard [b?m?b?d] vt. 连珠炮似的质问(或批评);使大量面对

3. distress [d??stres] n. 悲伤;痛苦;忧虑

4. the fact of the matter: 事实,真相

5. solace [?s?l?s] n. 安慰;慰藉



下一篇:如何对幼儿进行德育教育论文 幼儿园关于德育教育之类的论文

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