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According to reports, Adele is including a note in her tour program saying she may never tour again. “Touring is a peculiar thing, which doesn’t suit me particularly well...I might never see you again at a live show. Who knows? But I will remember this for the rest of my life.”

It is a big loss for music fans. In addition to being an amazing performer, she’s a pretty fantastic person. So, let’s know more about her beyond her music by her quotations.



1. Be brave and fearless to know that even if you do make a wrong decision, you’re making it for a good reason.


2. I’ve never wanted to look like models on the cover of magazines. I represent the majority of women and I’m very proud of that.


3. When I was eight, I wanted to be 12. When I turned 12, I just wanted to be 18. Then after that I stopped wanting to be older. Now I’m ticking the 16―24 boxes just to see if I can blag it.


4. The focus on my appearance has really surprised me. I’ve always been a size 14 to 16, I don’t care about clothes...


5. The only person I’m afraid of is myself.


6. Sometimes you have to allow yourself to be sad in order to move forward.


7. No matter what you look like, the key is to first of all be happy with yourself.


8. I love hearing my audience breathe.


9. I don’t want to go on a diet. I don’t want to eat a Caesar salad with no dressing. Why would I do that? I am not got time for this, just be happy and don’t be stupid.


10. Life is so much easier when you don’t hoard your past.


11. A lot of people try to be brave and not shed a tear. Sometimes when you know someone else feels the same as you do, or approaches things in a certain way just like you do, it makes you feel better about yourself.


12. There’s only one of you, so why would you want to look like anyone else?


13. I don’t make music for eyes. I make music for ears.


14. I’m ballsy. I have guts. I’m not afraid of anyone. I think that’s what makes me feel powerful.


Word Study

blag /bl?/ v. 骗取;哄骗

I blagged some tickets for the game.

hoard /h??d/ v. 贮藏;秘藏

They’ve begun to hoard good petrol and save their money.

ballsy /'b??lzi/ adj. 有胆量的;有决心的

She is one ballsy lady.

gut /?t/ n. 勇气;胆量

He doesn’t have the gut to walk away from a well-paid job.



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