查字典论文网 >> 对中小学音乐教学模式的探索




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Teaching option will directly affect teaching and learning objectives degree, with the development of technology, modern teaching concepts in depth, music educators to promote music education that the healthy and rapid development, we must proceed from the functional relations agencies and analysed in the teaching objectives, subject knowledge structures and cognitive students on the basis of a rational structure of the structure of the study teaching rationality in the teaching and learning process optimization systems internal mechanisms and laws on the basis of exploration of modern music teaching in primary and secondary schools. Papers mainly from four to write the first of the traditional music teaching in primary and secondary analysis of the long tradition of education and the impact is to impart knowledge and skills-based, classroom teachers on the model, students take the initiative to explore the light and teaching to the teaching of single-accepted teaching-oriented. In summing up the advantages and disadvantages of traditional music teaching basis and explored the context of modern music teaching and its concrete embodiment in practice, the last to adapt to modern teaching music educators must change their teaching philosophy, teaching music to promote health and long-term development.

Keyword : music teaching; Traditional music teaching; Modern music teaching; Features; Trends



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