查字典论文网 >> 粮农组织:基本农产品供应充盈令四月份食品价格继续下滑



FAO: Abundant Supply of Basic Agricultural Products Keeps Lowering the Food Price in April

2015年5月7日 联合国粮食及农业组织5月7日表示,国际农产品价格在4月份继续下滑,充足的库存有望抵消今年全球预期收成略减的压力。根据该组织《粮食展望》半年刊今天公布的最新预测,全球谷物产量或将比去年的创纪录水平减少1.5%,其主要原因是玉米种植面积缩小,但现有“异常高”的库存水平将减缓这一影响。



May 7, 2015 Food and Agricultural Organization of the United States said on May 7th, the international price kept dropping in April, and the abundant stock might relieve the pressure of the global harvest which was lower than what had been estimated. According to the latest prediction of the semimonthly journal Crop Prospects and Food Situation of the organization, the global yield of grain would drop by 1.5% compared with that of last year which broke the record. The main reason was the shrinking of the area of corns, but the "extremely high" stock would slow down the effect.

The report said that the world food import costs in 2015 were expected to be reduced to the lowest point in the past five years, whose main reason was the international price fall, low freight and stronger dollar. The amount of food imports in the cost did not change much, and even increased. Low-income countries could also expect to benefit from lower import costs.

The food price index is a trade-weighted index that contains the prices of five kinds of food commodities in the international market, including the price index of cereals, meat, dairy products, vegetable oils and sugar.



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