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UN Plants “Trees of Peace and Unity” to Commemorate the 70th Anniversary of the End of the Second World War

2015年5月5日 第69届联合国大会纽约当地时间5月5日举行特别全体会议,庄严纪念二战中的所有受害者。在此之前,联合国秘书长潘基文与联大主席库泰萨共同栽种下一棵“国际和平与团结树”,纪念二战胜利暨联合国成立七十周年,同时承诺继续为实现联合国的创始目标与理想而不懈努力。



May 5, 2015 The Special Plenary Session of the 69th Session of UN General Assembly was held in New York, May 5th local time to memorize all the victims of the Second World War. Before it, Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary General and Kutesa, President of UN General Assembly planted together a tree of "international peace and unity" to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Second World War and the establishment of the United Nations, and to commit to spare no effort to fight for realizing the original goal and dream of UN.

Sam Kutesa, President of the General Assembly pointed out when he was hosting the special activities to commemorate the victims of the Second World War that, the Second World War brought unspeakable violence and sorrow to human, and destruction of faith and humanity. After the scourge of the Second World War, human beings tried to prevent such tragic incident from happening again by new means. To this end, the United Nations was established to ensure the unity and harmony among the countries. As depicted at the beginning of the Charter of the United Nations, the establishment of UN was "to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind". In the past seventy years, the war has shaped the mission of the organization, and its lessons have also kept leading the activities conducted by the UN all over the world. Today, we are united in reaffirming the important guiding principles of the United Nations, including the use of force violations and the protection of human rights by solving disputes through peaceful means.

Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said while delivering a speech that 70 years ago, the founder of UN sowed the seeds of hope on the ashes which was dipped in the blood of warriors who fought against Fascism, millions of massacres and the victims of other crimes of the Second World War, hoping that a new international organization could lead the big family of human beings to get rid of terror and reconstruct a better future.




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