查字典论文网 >> 高校教学管理信息化平台建设



摘 要 高校教学管理信息化平台涵盖人员信息、课程信息以及教务信息的功用,其中,人员信息是主导,课程信息是主体,教务信息是核心。针对目前高校教学管理信息化平台建设中管理人员观念上对信息化的内涵认识不深刻、在信息资源上的积累还不够丰富、在管理上创新思路不明确等问题的成因进行分析,认为教学管理信息化平台的建设必须在理论上了解现代教育理念和信息科学动态;在实践中需加强内容建设,实现资源共享;同时,利用平台信息,实现数据创新利用。

关键词 高校 教学管理 信息化平台

College Teaching Management Information Platform Construction

GUAN Lijuan, WANG Zhenghui

(Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei 430072)

Abstract Teaching management information platform covering personnel information, course information and academic information function, where the personnel information is dominant, course information is subject, educational information is the core. Were analyzed for the current university teaching management information platform construction management concepts for understanding the meaning of information is not profound, accumulated in the information resource rich enough, in the management of innovative ideas and other issues is not clear causes that teaching management construction information platform must understand the concept of modern education theory and information science dynamic; in practice, the need to strengthen the contents of the building, resource sharing; at the same time, the use of platform information, innovative use of data.

Key words college; teaching management; information platform


1 高校教学管理信息化平台主要功能的构成


图1 高校教学管理信息化平台主要功能示意图

2 人员信息管理的内容


3 课程信息管理的内容




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