查字典论文网 >> 析黎英海钢琴曲《春江花月夜》




摘 要





Moonlit Night with Spring River and Flowers, played by Li Yinghai, is a milestore in China’s piano nationalization. The piece of music vividly depicts the charming view over the spring river in moonlight and fascination of the water villages in South China by simlicity of moledy, smooth chages of rythms, delicate variation of note porttern and performance. The piece enjoys a high popucarity among people demestically and internationally and this trend is still going on. The paper deals with how to play the piano piece in a rational way, and has an analysis about Mr.li’s career life and his creation backgrounds of the piece, as well as taking a careful look at his playing techniques, creation, performance and his merthods of putting companian elemerts into the piece momoniously. It is expected that more people would have an understanding of China’s traditional masterpieces, develop an appriciation for music and futher advance China’s piano culture.

Key words: Piano piece, Moonlit Night with spring River and flowers; creative Approach; Features; Performance



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