查字典论文网 >> 网络教学系统的设计与开发







关键词:JSP; web技术;数据库

Network Teaching System


The 21st century has arrived, the advances in information technology, multimedia technology, communications technology, Internet technology has penetrated into all aspects of education, classroom teaching undergone revolutionary changes, changes in education. approach to content, change peoples education, teaching concepts. Faced with these changes, we should seize this opportunity to adapt to modern education, to keep pace with the times. modern educational technology in education and teaching, thereby raising the quality of education and teaching to promote quality education.

The design focus of the design of user management system, and its education system as a network of a subsystem, Throughout the system plays a very important role. It will be divided into users teachers, students and three anonymous user. and in their respective areas of competence to provide a new user registration, login system to detect data changes, Statistics online staff and the number of online classes, cancellation and withdrawal, and other functions in the system as a whole have an important role.

Keywords : JSP; web database; technology



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