查字典论文网 >> 基于ASP技术的学习考试系统的设计与实现







本系统采用了客户机/ 服务器架构, 利用ASP 技术开发了1套网上考试系统,该系统能够实现试卷的自动发放,答卷的网上提交,且具有较好的安全性。

关键词: ASP;学习;考试;系统


With the development of computer technology and the advent of the Internet era, we have entered the digital age. However, in the digital network environment for our education, students still hope that their study should be according to their own characteristics, personalized to meet their own needs, and evaluated scientifically; teachers hope to improve the way of existing exams according to the academic subjects and the efficiency of exams; and education agencies want to provide students on the Internet with more comprehensive and flexible services, and track and evaluate the student progress. A computer learning and examination system has been developed to meet the requirements of our times. Through this new approach, new learning methods and examination environment can be created, the efficiency and the academically level of exams can be improved, school administrators can better know how their students learning and their teachers instruction work, and students can use this system to exchange with and learning from each other. Using ASP technology, this system applies a client / server architecture, develops a web-based examination system to issue exam sheets automatically, submit respondents online, and ensure good security as well.




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