查字典论文网 >> 关于艾滋病疗法的评价及疗效预测的数学模型





针对这些问题,本文以美国艾滋病医疗试验机构ACTG(Aids Clincal Trials Group)公布的两组数据为基础,用数学建模的方法对药物最佳治疗终止时间预测及药物治疗方案评价问题进行了分析,并建立了相应的预测模型与评价模型。


关键词: 治疗效果;最佳治疗时间;阻滞增长模型

Mathematical Module For Appreciation & Prediction of Efficiency on Medical Therapies Against AIDS


Presently, AIDS(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes) is one of the most serious epidemic in the world, which means ,since found in 1981,it has taken almost 30 million lives.

The therapies aim at reducing the amount of HIV, and producing more CD4 as much as possible, at least slowing down the speed CD4 loses with, which will enhance humans immuning ability. The actual research on AIDS shows that with CD4 increases, HIV decreases, and the patient feels better. .But, we also know that the efficiency cant last as long as we thought. Namely, after certain times, no matter HIV or CD4 may have a unpredictable phenomenon. And the standard for that differs. Also, in actual cruelty, different therapies have different fees and different efficiencies. So some kinds of medicine usually are used in certain approach. How to use them properly to obtain the best efficiency is our focus.

Facing such problems, this article analyzes the prediction about best ending time and appreciation, building corresponding predicting-module and appreciating one.

As result shows, predicting-module has a good coordination to major of data, and works well in predicting efficiency and computing the best ending time. Meanwhile, the appreciating one can be a theorical proof for AIDS actual operation.

Keywords: Efficiency; Best Cure Time; Module of Preventing Increasement



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