查字典论文网 >> 信息与计算科学专业就业趋势预测



摘要关键词: 信息与计算科学;就业;层次分析法;专业建设


As a newly arisen school of science profession —— Information and Computational Science professions employment rate is descending continuously for 3 years, that is to say the employment situation is not optimistic .We use Analytic Hierarchy Process to predict the trend of the information and computational science profession employment this year in career choice , attribute of the company and location choice etc .By the analytic result ,we can discover that the majority of graduate students in 2006 of information and computational science profession incline to working at the sea cities ,mostly engaged in the financial and telecommunication field and work with the market marketing .The number that be engaged in the calculator software development is the next in order .Most people don’t care about the attribute of the company ,what they deeply concerned is the development space of occupation .However, the number of the graduate students of this major also take the postgraduate exam to further their study .Finally according to analytic result I offer some of my suggestions about this majors development and the guide for hunting job .I hope this will enhance the competition ability of students on the job market.

Keywords: Information and Computational Science; Employment; Analytic Hierarchy Process ; development of this major

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