查字典论文网 >> 我国建筑业发展循环经济的法律思考



摘 要:循环经济是21世纪经济发展最先进的模式,它从根本上缓解和消除了环境与发展之间的矛盾,缓解人类社会的资源矛盾,实现经济活动的生态化转向。世界上先进国家早在上世纪就开始对循环经济进行立法,并通过长期的实践,制订了一整套较为完善的循环经济法律体系。



关键词: 建筑业 循环经济 法律思考

Abstract: Circulation economy is the most advanced economic development model in the 21# century. It alleviates and eliminates the contradictory relationship between environment and development, alleviating the scarceness of resources in human society, and achieving ecological transition of economic activities. Developed countries began to legislate for circulation economy from last century, and have established a perfect legal system for it through long-term practice. Compared with the circulation economy in developed countries, the current situation in China is less advanced, and is still at the stage of clean production, which only functions as initial prevention. From the perspective of legal system, Chinese government just enacted the Law of Advancing Clean Production, which only contains principled articles instead of detailed accounts for execution. From the viewpoint of circulation economy, construction industry in China has not surpassed the level, on which the final regulation or administration is transiting towards the initial prevention. In accordance with the Law, the current situation of construction industry in China has not fulfilled the legal requirements fully, and the phenomena of human health and environmental pollution have not been under control completely yet, so it is urgent and important to advance clean production vigorously in China. Combining the successful experiences of legislation and models of circulation economy in developed countries and the current situations in China, this research proposes to establish the Law of Advancing Clean Production in Construction Industry, to set up and adjust standards in construction industry, to amend the Law of Construction, and to establish relevant regulations and policies, in order to achieve clean production in construction industry and accelerate the realization of circulation economy in China.

关键词: Construction Industry, circulation economy, considering about law



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