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Something about the irony and sarcasm of British humor is finally catching on in the United States. Most of the Americans can appreciate the nice, unoffensive humor of Friends and other crowd-pleasing favorites, but the dry, “too real” feel of British humor can elicit more cringing than giggles. But irony has also crept into their favorites, from Curb Your Enthusiasm and Arrested Development to Family Guy. And while Monty Python always had its cult following, the Americans also made their own version of The Office, mocking the daily lives of office workers.

英式幽默中的讽刺和挖苦终于在美国火起来了!大多数美国人都能接受《老友记》中友好温和的幽默,还有其他娱乐大众的笑点。但是那句干巴巴的“too real”类型的英式幽默更容易引来低声下气的谄媚,而不是欢快的笑声。




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