查字典范文网 >> 太古集团笔试(七篇)






1) increasing affluence in china has fueled demand for sharks fin. now the oceans top

predator is endangered. chinese medicine is also indirectly responsible for destruction of

tigers and bears. how should traditional habits be balanced with ecological reality?

2) are intellectual property rights a good or bad thing for an economy as a whole? support

your answer with examples.

3) china should allow the yuan to float because the outcome would benefit the economic of

both china and the usa. please comment.


the aviation industry is estimated to contribute two percent of current global man-made

carbon dioxide emissions and in this context, cathay pacific is well aware of its

responsibility to minimise the impact of its operations on the environment. in march, the

airline announced the develpment of a carbon-offset scheme that will allow the company to

neutralise a percentage of its carbon emissions by investing in environmental protection

projects in the pearl river delta. under the proposed scheme, cathay will establish a

mechanism which will offset emissions associated with its own staff business travel, and

will also provide passengers with the voluntary option of joining the offset programme.

carbon-offset schemes are increasingly common in europe and the united states, but are still

in their infancy in asia; cathay pacific is taking the lead in this area as a part of a

programme of initiatives to improve energy efficiency, reduce fuel burn and contribute to

environmental awareness.




1) increasing affluence in china has fueled demand for sharks fin. now the oceans top predator is endangered. chinese medicine is also indirectly responsible for destruction of tigers and bears. how should traditional habits be balanced with ecological reality?

2) are intellectual property rights a good or bad thing for an economy as a whole? support your answer with examples.

3) china should allow the yuan to float because the outcome would benefit the economic of both china and the usa. please comment.


the aviation industry is estimated to contribute two percent of current global man-made carbon dioxide emissions and in this context, cathay pacific is well aware of its responsibility to minimise the impact of its operations on the environment. in march, the airline announced the develpment of a carbon-offset scheme that will allow the company to neutralise a percentage of its carbon emissions by investing in environmental protection projects in the pearl river delta. under the proposed scheme, cathay will establish a mechanism which will offset emissions associated with its own staff business travel, and will also provide passengers with the voluntary option of joining the offset programme. carbon-offset schemes are increasingly common in europe and the united states, but are still in their infancy in asia; cathay pacific is taking the lead in this area as a part of a programme of initiatives to improve energy efficiency, reduce fuel burn and contribute to environmental awareness.








written test for prc management trainee

time allowed: 1.5hours

part 1: translate the following passage into chinese

environment:over the last decade, swire group have proved time and again that while “gr een” initiatives may cost money to implement in the short term, in the long term, many will bring substantial cost benefits, so that “going green” is not just a luxury only big businesses like ours can afford. anyone can see that a well-maintained engine will reduce fuel consumption and prolong the l ife of the vehicle or that switching off lights one doesn’t need will save on electricity bills. the message is that small-scale efforts are just as important as the high-pr ofile ones and ‘doing the right thing “by our environment need not depend on costly investment in new technology. in fact, we believe it is more abort developing new ways of thinking about generating savings, and this is why, over the last few years, we have tried to engender a whole new corporate cul ture across our business. “green” forums and workshops, widespread recycling campaigns, and activiti es such as beach cleaning, tree-planning, farming, environment fun days and fairs, have all helped to encourage an appreciation of nature amongst our st aff and to make environmental responsibility a part of their everyday lives. we have also completed a second educational video/cd rom in three languages , endangered planet, endangered home, which promotes simple ways in which a responsible approach to the environment can be adopted at both a corporate a nd a personal level.

part 2: select one of the following and answer in english in not less than 3 00 words

1) the “enron scandal” has far-reaching political and financial implicatio ns. what can corporations learn from this incident?

2) “the youngsters nowadays are too well provided rot and ever protected.”

what are your views?



written test for prc management trainee


time allowed: 1.5hours

part 1: translate the following passage into chinese

environment:over the last decade, swire group have proved time and again that while gr een initiatives may cost money to implement in the short term, in the long term, many will bring substantial cost benefits, so that going green is not just a luxury only big businesses like ours can afford. anyone can see that a well-maintained engine will reduce fuel consumption and prolong the l ife of the vehicle or that switching off lights one doesnt need will save on electricity bills. the message is that small-scale efforts are just as important as the high-pr ofile ones and doing the right thing by our environment need not depend on costly investment in new technology. in fact, we believe it is more abort developing new ways of thinking about generating savings, and this is why, over the last few years, we have tried to engender a whole new corporate cul ture across our business. green forums and workshops, widespread recycling campaigns, and activiti es such as beach cleaning, tree-planning, farming, environment fun days and fairs, have all helped to encourage an appreciation of nature amongst our st aff and to make environmental responsibility a part of their everyday lives. we have also completed a second educational video/cd rom in three languages , endangered planet, endangered home, which promotes simple ways in which a responsible approach to the environment can be adopted at both a corporate a nd a personal level.

part 2: select one of the following and answer in english in not less than 3 00 words

1) the enron scandal has far-reaching political and financial implicatio ns. what can corporations learn from this incident?

2) the youngsters nowadays are too well provided rot and ever protected.

what are your views?




机考之前有模拟题 注意 是每个部分之前有模拟题 不是所有的模拟题结束才开始测试(考完出来发现好几个同学和我类似杯具……)

复旦的好多 遇到几个同济的 还有其他各个地方过来的 厦大的和诺丁汉的……

题目三个部分 总共106分钟(记不太准)

第一部分是num 中文的 感觉就是要看的快 难度和kp的shl比起来稍微好点

自己最后一题时间没把握好 要选择的时候被强制提交了 -,-

第二部分是图形 挺有意思的 各种变换 颜色 形状 还有综合地变换

太古这部分的题目挺有特点的 两题没有想清楚就选下去了 其他也是凭感觉的


写作三个部分——简单的50字问答题(两道)、三选一的issue题 还有一个中译英

问答题(50字 两道必答)

a.问你最希望做哪个组织的ceo或者president 我毫不犹豫地选了wwf……

b.你是一个内地公司的总经理 公司内有人得了aids 而且消息已经传出去了 公司内有人要求fire这名员工 问你要怎么做以及你所要考虑的方面(考的.应该是危机公关和people care这样的内容)

三选一的题目是(300字 三选一)

ge conservation and revitalization is a huge cost to a extent do you agree?

b.和香港房价有关 很大程度上被中国内地的买家炒上去的……问什么不知道 因为比较专业 pass 这个问题比较适合商科的同学

c.国泰航空参加un children food program 活动期间乘客的找零(change 英语比较烂 大家将就着看)将会被用于这个活动 这样的方式是提升csr的举措 问你还有什么方面可以达到这个目的


第一段 从1928年起 可口可乐就一直鼎力支持奥运会 随着中国人积极地参与北京奥运会 太古可口可乐也参与其中 (不全的原文)

第二段 合肥的太古可口可乐公司在奥运之前去一个特殊学校 给那里400多名聋哑残疾的孩子带去礼物、运动器材和奥运火炬……后面不记得了

第三段 此举旨在传播普世的奥运理念 团结、友谊、进步和和谐 等等

整个考试下来 更加深了对太古自己对crs的看重……好向往这样的公司

考试结束后 kevin(应该是太古的hr或者类似title的人)在隔壁 有兴趣可以去交流 开始是一个个进去 我和其他几个人等了老久 等到我的时候 他问门口还有多少人 结果还有三个 他就让我们一起进去 主要聊的是对招聘网申和笔试的反馈 我们都觉得非常nice的过程 kevin人很好 问了大家对于招聘过程的看法、去香港的看法 为什么申太古 还有其他杂七杂八的 一个厦大的mm各种shine...本来自己脑子就不清醒了 大家各种讨论各种发表看法 我蒙蒙地 不知道要说什么……心想丢了个宝贵的机会啊啊啊啊啊啊啊……杯具~~~~~


1、有一个名人和很多平民在一块,平民都认识这个名人,但是这个名人不认识任何一个平民,任意两个平民之间是否认识是未知的,请设计一个算法,快速找个这个人中的那个名人。 已知已经实现了一个函数 bool know(int a,int b) 这个函数返回true的时候,表明a认识b,返回false的时候表明a不认识b。

思路:首先将n个人分为n/2组,每一组有2个人,然后每个组的两个人调用这个know函数,假设为know(a,b),返回true的时候说明a认识b,则a肯定不是名人,a可以排除掉了,依次类推,每个组都调用这个函数依次,那么n个人中就有n/2个人被排除掉了,数据规模将为n/2。同理在剩下的n/2个人中在使用这个方法,那么规模就会将为n/4,这样所有的遍历次数为n/2+n/4+n/8+........ 这个一个等比数列,时间复杂度为o(n)。


保存处理器pc寄存器的值到被中止进程的私有堆栈; 保存处理器psw寄存器的值到被中止进程的私有堆栈; 保存处理器sp寄存器的值到被中止进程的进程控制块;

保存处理器其他寄存器的值到被中止进程的私有堆栈; 自待运行进程的进程控制块取sp值并存入处理器的寄存器sp; 自待运行进程的私有堆栈恢复处理器各寄存器的值;

自待运行进程的私有堆栈中弹出psw值并送入处理器的psw; 自待运行进程的私有堆栈中弹出pc值并送入处理器的pc。










复杂度为o(log n)。




=n^2 + 2n + 1,

= ...

= 1 + (2*1 + 1) + (2*2 + 1) + ... + (2*n + 1)


所以我们可以比较 n-1, n - 1 - 3, n - 1 - 3 - 5 ... 和0的关系。

如果大于0,则继续减;如果等于0,则成功退出;如果小于 0,则失败退出。


例如:3^2 = 9 = 1 + 2*1+1 + 2*2+1 = 1 + 3 + 5

4^2 = 16 = 1 + 2*1 + 1 + 2*2+1 + 2*3+1

int square(int n)


int i = 1;

n = n - i;

while( n >0 )


i += 2;

n -= i;


if( n == 0 ) //是某个数的平方

return 1;

else //不是某个数的平方

return 0;



