查字典范文网 >> 2023年六年级的英语试题模板





1.起床_____________ 2.每天______________

3.上床睡觉___________ 4.做作业_____________

5.一会儿_____________ 6.时差_______________

( ) 1.---_____do you usually go home? ----at six.

( ) usually gets up early ______weekends.

( ) talks _____her for a moment.

( )4.i wake up ______six every day.

( ) _______ she go to school?

( )'s five thirty .it's time ________home.

go to

( )ng usually_______her homework at eight.


( )'s only seven twenty _____my clock.

( ) is a works in a________.

al y

( )10there is __________ between the two cities.

ence difference

you _________(get,gets)up early every day?

2.i only get up early on _______(weekdays ,weekday).

brown is forty _______(years,year).

re is time difference between the two _______(city,cities).

( ) you get up before six?

a __________ b __________ c __________

( ) do you doing now?

a __________ b __________ c __________

( ) is a bride between the two citys.

a __________ b __________ c __________

( ) do she usually go to school?

a __________ b __________ c __________

( ) do homework at home.

a __________ b __________ c __________

a: hello,jack.


a:you're very early today.

b:2.________do you always come here before six?

a:3.________i usually come here at six thirty.


a:i usually have supper at five thirty.


b:i usually have supper at time does mary usually come here?

a:she usually comes here at six thirty,too.

y, what , get, you, do ,time , to , school .


always goes to bed at ten.(连词成句).


’s only seven twenty by my clock.(翻译成汉语)


children play football at 4:30 in the afternoon.

________ ________ _______ the children ______football in the afternoon?

5.你通常什么时候起床? 我通常六点起床。

_____________________________ _________________________________

hello!i’m mary.i get up at six i wash my face.i have breakfast at seven.i go to school at seven twenty.i go school by bike. classes begin at eight have four lessons in the morning and two in the is over at six.

i get home at six twenty .i have supper at seven .then i do my homework .sometimes i watch tv .then t go to bed at ten.


( ) gets up at six twenty.

( ) has six lessons every day.

( ) goes home at six twenty.

( ) goes to school by bus.

( ) goes to bed at nine.


1.j_____p 2.q_____w

1.i’ll do some shopping for her ( )


yellow coat is nicer than the blue one ( )


红色的_______________ 大的`_______________ 连衣裙_______________

手提包_______________ 妻子_______________ 绿色的_______________

小的_______________ 手表_______________

______________ 1. big bag small

______________ 2. hat cat dog

______________ 3. blue green have

______________ 4. my her we

_____________dinner _____________her some flowers

_____________a cold _____________the room

( ) many nice !

a. kite b. kites

( ) 2. mom yellow color.

a. like b. likes

( ) 3. i to buy a pen.

a. want b. will

( ) 4. the sun is than the moon.

a. big b. bigger

( ) 5. the moon is than the earth.

a. small r

( ) 6. the train is than the bus.

a. shorter b. longer

( ) 7. i a bag tomorrow.

a. will buy b. bought

( ) 8. they want to give some to their mother.

a. present b.

( ) i want to buy a skirt.

( ) eighty yuan.

( ) can i help you, madam?

( ) what about this one?

( ) well, i like it. how much is it?

● i’ll buy her a dress.              ● the green coat is longer than the blue one.

● i'll give her some flowers.         ● so many beautiful flowers!

● i want to buy a watch for my wife.  ● can i help you, madam?


( _________________________________________ )


( _________________________________________ )


( _________________________________________ )


( _________________________________________ )


( _________________________________________ )


( _________________________________________ )


