查字典范文网 >> 英语感恩演讲稿词(实用3篇)





thanksgiving day is a time each year, dating back to our founding, when we lay aside the troubles and disagreements of the day and bow our heads in humble recognition of the providence bestowed upon our nation. amidst the uncertainty of a fledgling experiment in democracy, president george washington declared the first thanksgiving in america, recounting the blessings of tranquility, union, and plenty that shined upon our young country. in the dark days of the civil war when the fate of our union was in doubt, president abraham lincoln proclaimed a thanksgiving day, calling for "the almighty hand" to heal and restore our nation.

in confronting the challenges of our day, we must draw strength from the resolve of previous generations who faced their own struggles and take comfort in knowing a brighter day has always dawned on our great land. as we stand at the close of one year and look to the promise of the next, we lift up our hearts in gratitude to god for our many blessings, for one another, and for our nation. this thanksgiving day, we remember that the freedoms and security we enjoy as americans are protected by the brave men and women of the united states armed forces. these patriots are willing to lay down their lives in our defense, and they and their families deserve our profound gratitude for their service and sacrifice.

this harvest season, we are also reminded of those experiencing the pangs of hunger or the hardship of economic insecurity. let us return the kindness and generosity we have seen throughout the year by helping our fellow citizens weather the storms of our day.

as americans gather for the time-honored thanksgiving day meal, let us rejoice in the abundance that graces our tables, in the simple gifts that mark our days, in the loved ones who enrich our lives, and in the gifts of a gracious god. let us recall that our forebears met their challenges with hope and an unfailing spirit, and let us resolve to do the same.

now, therefore, i, barack obama, president of the united states of america, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the constitution and the laws of the united states, do hereby proclaim thursday, november 25, 20xx, as a national day of thanksgiving. i encourage all the people of the united states to come together -- whether in our homes, places of worship, community centers, or any place of fellowship for friends and neighbors -- to give thanks for all we have received in the past year, to express appreciation to those whose lives enrich our own, and to share our bounty with others.

in witness whereof, i have hereunto set my hand this twenty-third day of november, in the year of our lord 20xx, and of the independence of the united states of america the two hundred and thirty-fifth.


first of all, i would like to thank today that i can stand here to participate in the activities of all the people, including me. the topic of my speech today is "thankful heart".

some say, forget gratitude is human nature. when we accidentally came to this world, haven't had time to do anything, we have already started to enjoy the former brings us all material and spiritual achievements. it's remind every one of us, to have a grateful heart.

have a heart of gratitude, more respect. respect for life, respect for labor, respect creation. hearts with gratitude, a generation of great men - small - deng ping said in three score and ten "i am the son of the chinese people, i deeply love my country and my people!" with a grateful heart, the poet ai qing wrote in his poem: "why my eyes full of tears, because i have deep love to this land." heard of the story of a man apologized to the tree? heard of all the running car to make way for the dog's story? the true story, touched by a love of life, moved by people respect for life. when we enjoy a clean environment every day, we would like to thank those cleaning workers; when we move to a new house, we would like to thank those construction workers; when we travel, would like to thank the driver... understand thank you, you will be looked upon with equal every life, to treat everyone around us, an ordinary ordinary labor, respect each also respect yourself more.

have a heart of gratitude, more can realize his duty. in modern society, everyone has their own duties, their value. when one of china's top ten xx touched xu benyu screen, goodness of human nature was lit again, this was originally the college students into graduate school, but they threw into the mountains from the bustling city. this extraordinary feat hurt everyone's eyes, each person heart is also lit up a smoldering fire. and let him to make a choice of the reason is simple: with a grateful heart. xu benyu with his gratitude for the mountains children paved the road to a love, lit the poverty and hope, completed his duty, realize the value of his life.

with a grateful heart, is not a simple endurance and tolerance, more not q, but with a generous mind brave face life positively. i believe, the most warm day from the cold, i believe, the most warm is an understanding of the cold, moved in a kind of gratitude. one must learn to thanksgiving, to life with a grateful heart, heart to real happiness. a person without gratitude, heart is all empty. "yangyouguiruzhien", "crow has feedback of grace", "send person rose, the hand have lingering fragrance", "give me your hand, and son xielao," these are due to have a grateful heart, sweet, freely available.

so i want to thank you, my life of passers-by, let me know how light fades to don't tie to the mind, thank you, come and go, i will cherish; thank you, all the teachers in my life, let me know how precious knowledge, thank you, following years, i will remember; thank you, my life close to close friend, share happy with you, sad have to listen to you, thank you, busy, i won't forget; thank you, i to really beloved relatives, in the course of time, quietly watch over me, shelter from the rain, let me in happiness to be loved also learned how to love others, thank you, day and night, i have in my heart.

thank day litres of sunset, thank happy pain, thanks to the earth, the sky thank heaven all the stars, thanks to life, thanks to get and lose everything, and nothing had lost everything, let me in the season of the grass sprout out of the earth came up the beauty of life!

my friends, let us with a grateful heart facing the world! let's hearts with gratitude to our life! as long as our life is full of gratitude, full of hope and passion, our society will be less criticism and shuffle, more tolerant and understanding, would be less quarrel with indifference, and - more harmony and warm, would be less tricking and dysfunctional, more sincere and unity, our spiritual home will forever young...

finally, let's get together again to listen to this song "grateful heart" : thanksgiving heart, thank you, with my life, let me have the courage to do myself, thanksgiving heart, thank fate, flowers bloom, i cherish.

today my speech to this end, thank you


students, we come from? to hear this question, i am sure you will say that parents are taken to put us up in the world. yes ah, one day more than a decade ago, our parents happy with tears and smiles to greet the arrival of the u.s.. but when we came to the world the moment that many parents have a hard job - we take care of. this is even though a heavy burden, but has no complaints to parents raising me up.

in order to give us a comfortable living environment, they are always so hard, then the effort. small, i always treat this issue as a matter of course, because i do not know, nor do i know the hard work of parents. now, i grew up, and i know with a heart of thanksgiving to appreciate their parents, should take on, take care of, the responsibility of your parents.

there is an old said: "the milk of the sheep have to kneel tu, a feed has meaning." bit by bit, our growth can not be separated from their parents to help when the water springs of the tu reported that, therefore, we should know how to feel gratitude for it, know how to thank their parents .

call us first time parents, first step towards independence, the first to write a word askew when ... ... are parents around to teach us patience. parents, are giving us god does not require any modification of the sustenance of the soul.

when we are confronted with difficulties, to devote all of us to help people, their parents are.

when we are wronged, to be patient to listen to our cry of the people, their parents are.

when we make mistakes, he will not hesitate to forgive us who are parents.

when we succeed, would like for us to celebrate, to share with us the pleasure, are the parents. and now far away in our field study, it is still concerned about our parents.

now i left the distant parents, came here, the mother will ask me homesick, i very firmly said: "no, certainly not!" but to the school, in the face of unfamiliar faces unfamiliar environment, i want to cry well. are upset when the home to the phone, the mother the right to ask me please. my tears quickly down, and tried to not let her find.

not familiar with the latter slowly, although it was no longer such as homesickness, but there are always unhappy when the advent of a lot of times at night, when feeling lonely, they will naturally think of distant family members, think of it in the remote mountain village in their own lives more than a dozen of the spring and autumn, and a phone call out greetings and listen to the voices of parents and that kind.

if the mother is always a few, but each time i was swept away the boredom, disappeared: "children in school right? anything better at home, not to miss too much."

always miss my mother, my diet iving, asked me in the distant land still used to the life, always asked of me to take care of the body, the mother-friendly sound, so i do not miss how the family it?

phone, some hoarse voice of his father, the father honestly going to say too much so, the phone, he always ask me "are not eating, there is no cost of living, the better to eat it." but i was well aware that his father with his hard-working to raise his children, with his simple character education of his children, his father is proud of the child. being rallied behind him, he put into the love to other people talk about when their children face in a brilliant smile.

in our rural areas, raising me and my brother is not easy, let alone reading we want to send. faced with huge fees, parents insist teeth, and put the burden of any of their livelihood on the shoulder bending, no complaints.

now, we are studying or working outside, guarding the empty house, then the phone will become the parents of the happy things. us a call back and tell other parents some situation. i think that they are perhaps the most happy moment.

while at home is far, far more than thousands of miles away from their parents, but parents also give care at the time around my side, my parents give me endless effort to encourage one another through the lonely times, they are the spirit of my pillar.

life is not perfect as imagined, our parents are not hard to understand, although we should not live with their parents to share the hardships of a difficult start, but we can be less in their daily lives for their parents to worry about. when parents fall ill, we should take responsibility, take care of their parents? want to know, even if an interest in words, even a bowl of instant noodles themselves to do a good job, parents who will comfort the hearts of our anxiety in every possible way. parent thanksgiving, is not difficult to do.

will remember to thank our long-distance may be on the road give us a bowl of water to drink the ladies, perhaps will remember our appreciation to the seat of the big brother, will recall that appreciation may be hard to train our own teachers . yes, they of course want to thank us, and can be at the same time, we should not forget that parents are always the most worthy of our appreciation of the people!


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