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his father was a basketball player and had a profound impact on his life. his study at the lower merion hafg school brought him a lucky start. he became the fourth person to enter the nba as a high school student.

then, his succesul career began when he was selected as the draft by the charlotte hornets, and then tranerred to the lakers for his outstanding skills. in the first season of the lakers, he didnt get too many opportunities. when he entered the professional level, he played in a limited number of minutes.

he realized that people expected the fun of his , but he didnt suddenly lose confidence. this situation changed as the season went on. he showed his talent with high scores, and he didnt want to live in the shadow of past achievements so he played harder and harder to achieve his reputation.

he even scored against toto laputo, despite the pressure he felt, he said he would not give up, obviously he has the ability to bring the team back to the top, kobe can and must achieve his goal, we are all waiting for that moment.


nbaas之王洛杉矶湖人队的领袖,科贝布拉扬在nbahe扮演着重要的角色他出生于xx月在费城,他从小就开始打棒球,他的父亲曾经是一名篮球运动员,对他的生活产生了深刻的影响。他在lower merion hifg学校的学习给他带来了一个幸运的开始,他成为第四个以高中生身份踏入nba的人然后,他成功的职业生涯开始于他被夏洛特黄蜂队选为选秀状元,后来因为出色的球技而被调到湖人队。在湖人队的第一个赛季,他没有得到太多的机会,当他进入职业水平时,他在有限的几分钟内上场,他意识到了人们对他的期望比赛的乐趣,但他并没有突然失去自信,这种情况随着赛季的延续而改变,他用高分向世人展示他的才华,他不想生活在过去成就的阴影下,所以他越打越努力,以达到自己的声誉。



the hero in my mind

“the most successful person in the world is not the talented

person, but the person who can stand loneliness.” the sentence is a hit on the internet. and i think it can describe kobe bryant if changed a little, for kobe is a talented person and he also can stand loneliness. he is the hero in my mind.

his father joseph bryant was a professional basketball player and kobe was born with that genius .after kobe became a professional basketball player ,he really achieved a lot, he has got the nba

championship 4 times. he was the most valuable player in finals in the year 2009 and 2010 ,the most valuable player in also has got the mvp in the all star game for 3 times. all these can prove his talent.

there are thousands of reasons to love kobe, but beyond all these reasons is his sprit of never giving up. life is full of difficulties. there are two kinds of attitudes toward the bars .most of people will choice to avoid the bars and only a few of them will go straight towards the difficulty. kobe is one of the small parts. as we know, the professional players will always be injured in competitions. some of them will rest and not attend the later competition .on the contrary, kobe will always takes part in the competition with his broken finger , broken knee and his broken back and never complain a word. he can do that on account of having a wining heart. sometimes he has bad

performance, and soon the media will criticize him .when facing that, kobe usually keeps silent and uses his efforts and best performance to fight against the criticism. in that way, he stands the loneliness and all the bars in his life.

all in all, he is really a great man, a true hero. now the new season is in the process. let us witness his new brilliance.


kobe bryant: don’t want jazz to take it easy at all in my final game

科比谈最后一战:望爵士打出水准 方能尽兴告别

the next time lakers icon kobe bryant appears on the staples center court, it will be for the final game of his nba career.


has bryant looked forward to that final game, april 13 against the utah jazz, and imagined what it will be like?


xxxi try not to do it too much,xxx bryant said wednesday night, xxxand just make yourself


he added: xxxjust showing up and playing. showing up and playing and hoping my body feels pretty damn good and i can get up and down the floor and run freely and play this game at the highest level of competition one more


his preparation for that final game, he said, will remain the same.


xxxi won’t allow it to be any different,xxx said bryant, 37, who is retiring after 20 nba seasons. xxxone more time and go through same routine. same group of people. one more


could bryant imagine a perfect sort of ending? for some lakers fans, a fitting ending would be bryant hitting a game-winning shot. he wouldn’t mind that outcome, but he wishes for a different send-off.


xxxyeah, win a championship,xxx he said, xxxbut that’s not happening, so there you go. that’s done. the dream’s done. dream’s done. for me, it’s coming out and playing in front of the fans and competing hard and playing against utah, and them not taking it easy at all. they beat us by like 40 the last few times we played them. so i expect them to come and try to do the same thing.


xxxto me, that is the greatest form of competition. that’s best last game you can have -- a very competitive one, a physical one. that’s the way basketball should be. in terms of the end, i don’t know, man. i really don’t think about that that much; i just like the game


he’s not sure what his emotions will be that night.


xxxwhen the time comes, you never know,xxx bryant said. xxxi might be sitting here with tears flowing out of my eyes. i doubt it, but it could happen. i don’t know. we’ll


fans’ emotions were high during wednesday’s penultimate home game, and bryant could sense it. he checked out in the final minute of the 91-81 loss to the los angeles clippers to a roaring standing ovation, with fans chanting his name as loudly and for as long as they have at any point this season.


xxxthis is the next-to-last game ever in this building. it’s pretty crazy,xxx said bryant, who scored a game-high 17 points on 6-of-19 shooting in nearly 28 minutes. xxxso i certainly can feel it. as soon as you run out at the start of the game, i could feel


added bryant: xxxi can feel it, and it feels pretty damn awesome. going through the years of losing and not leaving the lakers makes it all worthwhile standing here and taking the good with the bad and the fans embracing that and understanding that we ride together. that’s a love that you can’t



the fabulous life of kobe bryant 科比的奢华生活

kobe bryant is the highest paid player in the nba, and the third-highest earning player in league history.


throughout his 17-year nba career, kobe has amassed a number of cars, toys, and houses, and he currently has $150 million in assets.


he went to high school in the philly suburbs, but he grew up in italy. he loves italian cars.


he walked into a ferrari dealership last year and wrote a $329,000 check for a 458 italia.

他上一年在法拉利经销商用万支票买下了法拉利458 italia。

he also owns a lamborghini, bentley, and range rover.


he owns three houses worth $ million. all of them are in orange county, ca, a lengthy drive from the staples center.


luckily, he has a helicopter that he takes to home games. he says it saves him from sitting in traffic, and keeps his body fresh.


he’s pretty generous with his helicopter too. he can casually give a teammate a ride to a doctor’s appointment in his personal helicopter.


he also makes $28 million a year off of endorsement deals with companies like nike and sprite.


he bought his wife a $4 million ring after his sex scandal. it was an eight-karat purple diamond.


he was reportedly set to lose $75 million in a divorce last year. but he and his wife vanessa are working things out.


in recent years, kobe has marched to the beat of his own drum. after he appeared in an odd photoshoot for la weekly, teammate ron artest said, “he’s a star. he’s kobe bryant. he can do what he wants.”


he has gotten in on the nba outrageous fashion trend, but keeps it classier than some other players.


this summer he challenged kyrie irving to a $50,000 game of one-on-one.


he says he will only play two more years. he is due $30 million next season, and could become the highest-earning nba player ever if he outlasts kevin garnett.




in his 20 nba seasons, kobe bryant has faced a number of brilliant players: vets near the end of their careers, such as karl malone and john stockton; fellow stars who entered the league around his time, such as tim duncan and kevin garnett; newer standouts such as dwyane wade and stephen curry.


none of those made his top five xxxtoughest players to facexxx list. as relayed by baxter holmes, here it is:


top five players kobe says he has faced: olajuwon, mj, kevin durant, lebron james, clyde drexler. adds that its hard to pick just five.


michael jordan? no surprise. lebron james? not really either. kevin durant? when hes healthy, hes electric. and hakeem olajuwon? theres a reason they call him the dream. the biggest surprise, perhaps, is clyde drexler -- but no one is about to claim he wasnt great.


the key point is the second thing bryant told holmes: it is hard to choose a top five from 1996 to 2015.



ill always love you, my hero / just like a year ago, like the western conference finals champion los angeles lakers, its a very unforgettable day. the lakers are the lakers. this year were destined to finally come.

im very happy and excited that this moment is really a long time to wait. however, we dont want to be just the time when we make progress towards our dream seeing the boss zaza make trouble in an interview, smiling at him and looking at you, this feeling is moved at the end. the lakers really dont like this series.

the lakers have been very difficult to play. but from the first minute last night, the strong performance of the zijin team did not leave an opportunity for the opponents. however, it is obviously not only our heart, we know us we are still going forward, that is, the championship.

we will celebrate the victory. the real season for us has just begun the finals. we have come.

there are four victories today. the cavaliers watched the and the cavaliers lost. i dont know why.

what i think of is the last encounter of the los angeles team. unfortunately, the green camps revenge is unfortunate. the mvp routine is also a little disappointed with the defeat, but i dont think we will sorry, we will continue to work hard and move forward.

anyway, kobe will not leave you. the lakers must continue to refuel. i fully support you.

come on, lakers. i will always love you hero.




as the leader of the los angeles lakers, kobe bryant plays an important role in the nba. he was born in philadelphia in august. he started playing baseball since childhood.

his father was a basketball player and had a profound impact on his life. his succesul career began when he was selected as the second draft right by the charlotte hornets. then he was tranerred to the lakers because of his good playing style in the first season of the lakers.

he didnt get too many chances but in the first few minutes, he entered the professional level. he thought he expected to lose the fun of the , but he didnt suddenly lose his confidence. this situation changed as the season went on.

however, he showed his talent to the world with high scores. he didnt want to live in the shadow of past achievements, so he worked harder and harder to achieve his reputation. he even scored against the tottenham raptors, even though he felt all the pressure on him, he said he would not give up.

obviously he has the ability to get his team back to the top, and kobe can and must achieve his goals. we are all waiting for that moment.




