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2023年笑对生活的幽默句子 笑对生活的经典语录模板



笑对生活的幽默句子 笑对生活的经典语录篇一


here are ten of them:


, today, everything is going to be great!


your thoughts can heavily influence your actions and also your mood for the day. choose to read sentences that make you smile. be grateful for another day that you’re alive. choose to spend your life with optimistic thoughts and refreshing beliefs, and get rid of any thought that says otherwise. indeed, every day can be a great day if you want it to be.


are here in this world to make a positive difference.


you were given a gift—a talent or a skill—that you can use to help empower yourself and eventually empower others. make the most out of it by touching lives and influencing people to change for the better.


have the power to spend your life with people who truly matter to you.


you don’t have to spend the rest of your life with people who don’t treasure you! yes, you can quit your job if you’re working in a toxic environment. yes, you can close your business if your business partner is a cheater. yes, you can get out of your romantic relationship if your lover doesn’t accept you for who you are. you have the power to do so, remember?


doesn’t matter how many times you fail; what matters is how many times you stand up and try again.


don’t be discouraged by your failures! learn from the successful people and use failures as life’s way of teaching us valuable lessons. want to know a secret? successful people fail a lot more than unsuccessful ones.


best is yet to come.


your potential can be limitless. don’t settle for mediocrity: you’re definitely better than this. the potential to improve your life, the chance to lose weight or the opportunity to be a millionaire—all these exist. you just have to look for them.


is too precious to waste time hating anyone.


hating someone is like drinking poison, don’t you think? you’re filling yourself up with something that stresses you and makes you upset while you’re still waiting for that person to suffer. don’t drink poison.


busy living, or get busy dying.


living means that you wake up each day excited and passionate about the things that you’re about to do. you love your work and you get paid to do it. you love the people you’re with, and you love the life that you have. you can only start living if you stop being a mindless zombie and stop getting stuck in the same routine every day. you’re supposed to take control of your life, not to just simply watch it pass you by.


ing in chocolate every once in a while is always a good idea.


whenever life decides to bring you down or you feel like giving up because nothing seems to be going you way, make yourself a hot cup of cocoa and rest for a while. tomorrow’s another day. you always have another chance to make things right again.


heals almost everything, so give time some time to work.


past arguments, physical wounds, broken hearts, personal differences—all of these can be healed in time. don’t be in such a rush, and don’t force things to heal immediately. you just need to wait for the right time for all the pain to be forgotten and for all the scars to fade away.


can get rid of anything that isn’t useful, beautiful or joyful in your life.


yes, go ahead and live your life on your terms. spend time with things that empower you and don’t waste time with the things that don’t.

是的,生活要往前看,活在你喜欢的生活中。在那些能给你带来正能量的人或事上多花时间,不要将生命浪费在那些与之相反的事物上。< < < < < < 相关文章








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