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最新横滨国立大学读研条件 横滨国立大学出愿(四篇)



横滨国立大学读研条件 横滨国立大学出愿篇一

all the colleges conduct an entrance examination for privately-funded international students.



who is eligible to take the entrance examinations?

international students who do not have japanese citizenship, have completed or will complete a 12-year course of study mostly outside japan, and have the required credentials for admission with no impediments preventing university admission are eligible to take the examinations. please make sure to check the application guidlines of the appropriate college for the latest information.



i graduated from a japanese middle school. can i take the entrance exam?

students who finished the last part of their 12-year course at abroad are eligible to take the examinations.



i graduated from a japanese high school. can i take the entrance exam?

students who graduated from a japanese high school are not eligible to take an entrance examination for privately-funded international students. they must take a regular entrance examination together with other japanese nationals.



i only attended school for 11 years in my country. am i eligible to take the entrance exam?

students who only received 10 or 11 years of primary and secondary education in the countries such as malaysia, the philippines must take a preparatory school course designated as a “preparatory educational course for university admission” by the minister of education, culture, sports, science and technology.



i did not graduate from high school in my country, but i passed the high school equivalency and university entrance qualification exam. am i eligible to take the entrance exam?

eligibility is recognized in some cases but not in others, so please consult with the admissions officer of the college to which you want to apply.



do i have to take the japanese language proficiency test?

students are not required to take the japanese language proficiency test.



do i have to take the examination for japanese university admission for international students (eju)?

all undergraduate colleges require prospective international students to take the examination for japanese university admission for international students (eju) before they can apply for the entrance examination for privately-funded international students. the eju may be taken in either june or november.




横滨国立大学读研条件 横滨国立大学出愿篇二

how much is the tuition?

the tuition is ¥535,800 per year for all colleges and graduate schools. half the tuition is paid each semester. the amount is the same for both science and humanities courses. in addition, an admission fee of ¥282,000 is charged upon enrollment. for research students, the admission fee is ¥84,600 and the tuition is ¥29,700 per month. this tuition must be paid per year or half year upon enrollment, in accordance with the approved research period.


所有学院和研究生院的学费每年都是535,800 日元。每个学期支付一半学费。科学课程和人文课程学费相同。此外,注册的时候需要交282,000 日元的入学费。研究型学生的入学费是84,600 日元,学费每月是29,700 日元。根据批准的研究期限,注册之后,需要一年或半年支付学费。

are scholarships available?

after enrollment at ynu, students can apply for japan student services organization (jasso) “honors scholarships” and other scholarships. however, not all international students are receiving scholarships.



is any other economic assistance available?

ynu has a system whereby after enrollment students may apply for waiver of all or half their tuition. there is a screening which examines the student’s economic conditions and academic performance, and not all students who apply receive waivers.



does ynu have dormitories?

we have four dormitories; hazawa international residence. hazawa international residence (built in 2013) owns 157 student rooms (single/married couples). international students can stay here up to 2 years which is renewable until the end of the standard period required for graduation or course completion. however, the maximum period expires on march 25, 2019. the rent of hazawa international residence is 42000 yen. ooka international residence and hazawa international residence accept applicants all year round.


学校有四个宿舍。hazawa 国际住宿区建于2013年,有157间学生房间,房间分单人间和学生夫妇房间。国际学生可以在这里住两年,可以继续住,直到毕业或学习完课程。不过,最长期限不能超过2019年3月25日。hazawa 国际住宿区的租金是42000日元。ooka国际住宿区和hazawa 国际住宿区全年都接受申请。

they say that a guarantor is required to rent an apartment. what should i do if i have no one i can ask in japan?

ynu cannot introduce guarantors. please make use of a private guarantee company.



can i work at a part-time job?

international students with college student visas may work at part-time jobs within the specified limits if they receive “permission to engage in activities other than those under the status of residence granted” from the immigration bureau. the yokohama national university coop provides information about part-time jobs.



does ynu have a student tutoring system?

undergraduate students can receive tutoring support for two years after they arrive in japan. graduate students and research students can receive tutoring support for one year.



can i participate in club activities?

there are many athletic and cultural clubs that have officially registered with ynu, as well as unregistered groups devoted to many types of activities. international students are welcome to actively participate in clubs and groups which interest them.



can i receive a certificate of eligibility for residence status from ynu?

ynu does not apply for certificates of eligibility for residence status on behalf of applicants. applicants who cannot submit the application personally often ask relatives in japan, or the sponsors who will pay their tuition and living expenses in japan.



can i attend ynu without a college student visa?

students can enroll without a college student visa as long as their visa status permits study in japan. please note, however, that many services for international students (scholarships, dormitories, etc.) are limited to students with college student visas.



can i participate in international exchange programs?

international students can participate in international exchange programs. however, some scholarships cannot be disbursed to ynu students while studying abroad.



do some international students work in japan after graduation?

the number of international students gaining employment at large manufacturers, financial institutions and other leading japanese enterprises is increasing. ynu holds employment support seminars and provides other assistance for job-seeking activities by international students in japan.



regarding undergraduate student admissions

横滨国立大学读研条件 横滨国立大学出愿篇三

where in yokohama is ynu located?

ynu is located almost at the center of yokohama, in hodogaya ward. the campus is a 15- or 20-minute bus ride from yokohama station, a 16-minute walk from mitsuzawa-kamicho station (yokohama municipal subway), or a 20-minute walk from wadamachi station (sotetsu line).


横滨国立大学几乎就位于横滨市中心,在保土谷分区。从横滨汽车站乘坐公共汽车到横滨国立大学校园需要15到20分钟,从 mitsuzawa-kamicho 站(横滨市营地下铁)走路需要16分钟,从和田站(sotetsu线)走路需要20分钟。

when was ynu established?

ynu was founded in 1949 as the successor to the yokohama normal school, the kanagawa prefectural training institute for teachers of supplementary vocational education, the yokohama higher school of commerce, and the yokohama higher school of technology.



what colleges do you have at ynu?

ynu has four colleges: the college of education and human sciences, the college of economics, the college of business administration, and the college of engineering science.



does yokohama national university have any graduate schools?

ynu has five graduate schools: the graduate school of education (master’s), graduate school of international sciences(master’s and doctorate), the graduate school of engineering (master’s and doctorate), the graduate school of environment and information sciences (master’s and doctorate), and the graduate school of urban innovation (master’s and doctorate).



what is a “faculty”?

there are currently four research organizations called “faculties” at yokohama national university. unlike colleges and graduate schools (which are essentially educational institutions), these faculties were established to promote research activities at the university more efficiently and effectively. academic staff of the international social sciences, engineering, environment and information sciences and urban innovation departments belong to one of these faculties and conduct their research along with their educational activities at the colleges and graduate schools.



does yokohama national university accept research students?

all ynu colleges and graduate schools accept research students. admissions are in april and october.



does ynu have a japanese language department? i want to keep studying japanese at university?

ynu does not have a japanese language department. however, all international students enrolled at ynu can take japanese language classes at the international student center.



can i take classes in english?

most of the undergraduate and graduate schools classes are taught in japanese. however, all the classes at graduate school of engineering have been taught in english since april, 2015. in addition,,ynu does have all-english programs at both undergraduate and graduate level. each program conducts its own admissions process separate from regular university admissions, with its own application requirements. some of the special program classes are open for students who are not enrolled in these programs.

started in october, 2013, we have a 4- year-program called ‘yokohama creative-city studies’ in which students can obtain bachelor’s degree by taking classes only in english.




how many international students are enrolled at ynu?

about 830 international students are enrolled as of may, 2015. this accounts for 8.4% of its total number of enrolled students, extremely high for the national universities in japan.



regarding student life

横滨国立大学读研条件 横滨国立大学出愿篇四

what is yokohama like?

yokohama is the second largest city after the 23 wards of central tokyo, with a population of about 3.7 million people. it is the capital of kanagawa prefecture and has an international trading port with a long history, as well as japan’s largest chinatown.

yokohama is located only 30 minutes from tokyo (by train), 30 minutes from haneda airport (by highway bus) and 90 minutes from narita airport (by the jr narita express or highway bus).




are prices high in yokohama?

they are basically the same as in tokyo and osaka.



regarding yokohama national university (ynu)


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