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济南的小吃也很多呢。像比较著名的便是泉城大包,草包包子 ,孟家扒蹄 ,名士多烤全羊,油旋等等,来济南的话,一定要尝一尝济南的风味小吃。
































ladies and gentlemen: hello!

welcome to jinan, the spring city. during your stay in jinan, i willreceive you and provide you with services. i hope my explanation can make youhave a good time in jinan. today we are going to baotu spring, one of the threefamous places in jinan. baotu spring park is located in the center of jinan,south of qianfo mountain, east of quancheng square, north of daming lake,covering an area of about 158 mu. baotu spring park is a natural landscape parkwith spring as the main water. it is the top of 72 famous springs in jinan andis known as "the first spring in the world". baotu spring, also known as thethreshold spring, is the source of luoshui. it has a history of 2700 years. thespring water is about 18 ℃ throughout the year. baotu spring park is famous forits spring view, fish appreciation, tea tasting, rocks and culture; it is alsofamous for its small size, different scenery, clean and quiet, simple andelegant.

now we can see that the gate of this national style building with whitewalls and grey tiles, rolling mountain and rolling shed is the east gate ofbaotu spring park. "baotu spring" on the plaque in the middle of the gate waswritten by comrade guo moruo in 1959. when you enter the gate, the first thingthat catches your eyes is the yingmen rockery. do you know why you want to builda rockery facing the gate? this is an ancient method of gardening, which iscalled "blocking scenery". that is to say, the main part of the garden ismountains, and the yingmen rockery is not transparent. it becomes a naturalbarrier at the gate of the park, and it is separated from other scenery in thegarden. the rocks of this rockery are all collected from the southern mountainarea of jinan. their quality, color and texture are comparable to those of taihustone in wuxi, jiangsu province. there is a cave under the rockery. large stonesare used at the top and entrance of the cave to form a vivid and spectacularview of the hanging boulders. appropriate space is left on the wall of thetunnel to facilitate the smooth lighting and air. this is a masterpiece of jinanrockery, highly praised by horticulturists.

after qingyu bridge, you can see this beautiful stone with natural texture,four meters high and eight tons. it was originally collected by zhang yanghao, afamous sanqu artist in yuan dynasty. zhang yanghao loved natural mountains andrivers very much. after he abandoned his official position and returned tojinan, he made friends with mountain apes, wild cranes and rocks. this turtlestone has the characteristics of "wrinkle, thin, transparent and beautiful".take a picture with it here, which means longevity and longevity. ok, let's takea group photo for a few minutes.

please go along with me. now we come to ma paoquan. why is it called ma paoquan? it is said that it was planed by the horses of guan sheng, the anti jingeneral in beining period, so it got this name. according to legend, guan shengwas the general of the peasant uprising in liangshan and the general of liu yu,the general of jinan general. he was brave and good at fighting. when the jinpeople invaded the south, he vowed to fight against the jin. in a fierce battle,he lost mai cheng. he was thirsty and waterless. his horse raised his head tothe sky and hissed. his front hooves ploughed hard to dig the ground. the springcame out of the ground. to commemorate this spring, later generations called itthe horse running spring.

further on, we come to shuyuquan scenic spot. "shuyuquan" is thehandwriting of guan yousheng, a late jinan calligrapher and painter. there areseveral versions of the origin of the word "shuyuquan". one is that women'steeth were often called "jade" in ancient times, and li qingzhao, a poetess,used to dress up and wash her teeth here. the other is because of li qingzhao'scollection "collection of washing jade". the other is derived from the idiom"washing stone and pillow flow", saying that the rushing spring brushes we see now is li qingzhao memorial hall, which was built in 1979. on bothsides of the memorial hall are couplets written by guo moruo. the first coupletis "by daming lake, by baotu spring, the former residence is deep in chuiyang",which describes the former residence of li qingzhao; the second couplet is "injinshilu, shuyu is concentrated, and the literary talent has the legacy of thelater leader", which praises her achievements in ci, her "shuyu collection" andher preface for her husband's jinshilu. the plaque hanging in the hall is alsowritten by guo moruo.

li qingzhao is an outstanding poetess in the southern song dynasty. hisfather, li gefei, was a civil servant who was born as a jinshi. he was a famoushistorian, knowledgeable and talented. his mother was also a granddaughter ofzhuangyuan. influenced, inspired and induced by his parents, li qingzhao was anoutstanding litterateur at that time. at the age of 18, li qingzhao married zhaomingcheng, the son of zhao tingzhi, the prime minister. after marriage, thecouple support each other, love each other, write poems and fill in ci, studyjinshi calligraphy and painting, purchase ancient books and paintings. after thedisaster of jingkang, the northern song dynasty perished, the jin soldiersinvaded the south, the song dynasty and the five dynasties crossed the south,and the couple were forced to go south. on the way, mingcheng died. in her lateryears, li qingzhao had been living a helpless and wandering life, and spent therest of her life in the cold and desolate. li qingzhao's ci is divided by thedifficulty of jingkang. in the early stage, most of his ci are about singingnature, praising life, loving and missing husband and wife. such as "oftenremember the sunset in the pavilion, intoxicated do not know the way back.". iwent back to the boat in the evening and mistakenly entered the lotus for crossing, fight for crossing, startle a pool of european herons. (rumeng ling); "on the swing, get up and stretch your hands.". thick dew, thinflowers, thin sweat, light clothes. see guest come in, sock row gold hairpinslip. and shame to go, leaning on the door looking back, but smell the plum "thered lotus roots are frayed with each other, the jade mat is in autumn, the lightclothes are removed, and the blue boat is on its own. who in the clouds sendsbrocade books? when the wild goose returns, the moon will fill the west s drift, water flow, a kind of acacia, two idle sorrow (a pruning plum);"this situation can not be eliminated, only under the brow, but on the heart";"mo road does not soul, curtain volume west wind, people thinner than the yellowflower.". most of the later ci poems express the hatred of family and countryand lament their own miserable fate. such as "searching, cold and clear,miserable" (slow voice), "life as a hero, death as a ghost hero. up to now, ihave thought of xiang yu and refused to cross jiangdong. " (summer quatrains).li qingzhao's literary creation has a distinctive and unique artistic style,ranking first among the graceful school, known as "yi'an style". there are twoeditions of li qingzhao and shuyu ci.

further west, you'll get to the golden spring. jinxianquan, together withbaotu spring, heihu spring and zhenzhu spring, is known as the four famoussprings in jinan. the formation of the "golden line" is due to the relativegushing of spring water on both sides of the strait and the balanced flow. whenthe sun shines on the bottom of the pool and on the calm water surface, it willshow a gathering water line. the golden light is shining, like a gossamer,flickering, rippling and winding. the "golden thread" of the old golden threadspring is hard to see, and the "golden thread" of the new golden thread springcan only be seen when the water potential is strong and the sunlight angle isappropriate. zeng gong, a famous writer in song dynasty, was lucky to see thegolden thread in the moonlight. however, yuan haowen, a poet of yuan dynasty,visited the golden thread spring many times, but he couldn't get it. furtherwest, we come to shangzhitang. shangzhitang, also known as "jinxian academy", isnamed after jinxian spring. in old times, it refers to the place where officialor private books and lectures are collected. magnolia and magnolia are plantedin shangzhitang courtyard. in early spring, magnolia flowers are blooming andfragrant, so shangzhitang courtyard is also called magnolia courtyard. have younoticed this taihu stone in the courtyard? it's called "dairi peak". it wasoriginally collected by zhang yanghao. on the 1.5-meter-high stone body, thereare several full moon shaped or curved moon shaped through holes. when thebright moon is hanging on the night, the stone shape and through holes arereflected in the water in front of the stone pool under the moonlight, whichmakes it more exquisite and beautiful.

shangzhi hall out of the west, then to the luoyuan hall. luoyuan hall, infront of the baoxia, protruding from the water, the pillars are colorful, yellowtiles and red columns, magnificent in shape. please look at the poem engraved onthe baozhu: "the clouds and mist are moist and steamy, but the sound of thewaves shakes daming lake." this sentence is the best portrayal of baotu springby zhao meng, a famous writer in yuan dynasty.

the building to the north of luoyuan hall is e-ying hall, which is built tocommemorate yu shun's two concubines, e-huang and nu ying. to the north of eyingtemple is the three main hall scenic area. more than 30 square stone carvingsare inlaid on the lattice through wall in the three main halls, which is amasterpiece of celebrities in the past dynasties. it is particularly worthmentioning that this rare "double imperial stele" in the courtyard recorded theinscriptions and poems of baotu spring on the third visit of kangxi and thesecond visit of qianlong, indicating the status of baotu spring.

now we have come to baotu spring scenic area, standing on laihe bridge was originally a wooden bridge built by zhang heming, themagistrate of licheng county in the wanli period of ming dynasty. the stonebridge was built when baotu spring park was opened in 1956. please look up atthe word "pengshan old relics" on this red lacquer wood archway, and on theother side, "dongtianfudi". according to legend, people used to compare thethree water columns of baotu spring to the fairy mountains of penglai, namely,the three sacred mountains in myth: penglai, abbot and yingzhou. when they cameto baotu spring, they saw three streams of water, which were like mountains andcould not be climbed. they suddenly realized that the fairyland was here, sothey set up the "old pengshan trail" square. if you go to wangheting tea houseon the east side of the spring and enjoy the spring while tasting tea, you willhave the poetic flavor of "moistening spring tea is more true".

baotu spring pool is rectangular, 30 meters long from east to west and 20meters wide from north to south, surrounded by stone railings. overlooking thepool, there is a clear water, clear as a mirror; the three springs are surging,with snow and jade splashing; the potential is like boiling, and the sound islike thunder; the water and grass are curling, and the fish are flying at thebottom; the green leaves and red scales are shining among them. scholars of allages have left many praises for baotu spring. for example, zhang yanghao, asanqu artist of the yuan dynasty, "three feet of snow does not disappear on theground, and four hours of thunder roars in the air." it is pu songling's baotuspring fu that can reproduce the whole picture of baotu spring. how does jinan'sunique scenery of "every spring is not, every household is chuiyang" come intobeing? jinan's springs come from the vast areas south of jinan city and north ofjinxiuchuan. the rocks in these areas are a thick layer of relatively purelimestone formed about 400 million years ago. in this limestone area, there arekarst ditches and troughs on the surface, funnel, karst cave, underground riverand stalactite under the ground, which is convenient for a large amount ofrainwater and surface water to infiltrate into the underground. the limestonestrata in the mountain area are inclined from south to north with a slope ofabout 30 degrees, and a large number of underground currents are moving towardsjinan. just then, to the north of daming lake, the underground rocks becomesolid igneous rocks. a large amount of underground water flows here and isblocked by igneous rocks. it accumulates more and more, and the water can not bedischarged. we must find a way out. in the old city of jinan, the terrain islow-lying. in some places, it is even lower than the water storage level ofdishui. the underground water passes through the surface and rushes out, formingmany springs. baotu spring water is sweet. it is used to make tea. its color islike amber, and its fragrance is very refreshing. it is said that when qianlongwent down to the south of the yangtze river, he brought yuquan water frombeijing and baotu spring water from jinan for drinking.

standing on the guanlan pavilion, you can see the stone tablet in the waterin front of the pavilion, engraved with "baotu spring", which was written by huzuanzong in the ming dynasty. if you are careful, you may find that the word"tu" is missing the point above. the stone inscriptions at the back of thepavilion are written by wang zhonglin in the qing dynasty, and the stoneinscriptions of guanlan are written by zhang qin in the ming dynasty. thewaterside pavilion and leaky windows in the south of the spring pool, the banbicorridor and the luoyuan hall on the north bank set off each other to form alandscape.

now we have come to cangyuan and baixuelou scenic spots. cangyuan, formerlyknown as "shaocangyuan", means "a scoop of the sea". it used to be the readingplace of li panlong, one of the famous poets of the ming dynasty. the name"shaocang" expresses people's wish to learn from li panlong. during the wanliperiod of the ming dynasty, ye mengxiong, a military envoy, built a "white snowbuilding" on the west side of cangyuan to commemorate li panlong. the white snowbuilding and cangyuan garden have been repaired several times. now cangyuangarden has three halls, one corridor, two yards, flowing streams with thegarden, exquisite pavilions, carved beams and painted buildings, colorful famous species, flowers, exotic trees and bonsai cultivated in the courtyardhave formed a unique courtyard style. this "taishan pine", vigorous, majestic,vigorous, more than 150 years old, is a rare pile bonsai with qilu style. thelarge-scale stone bonsai built in the garden is natural in shape, decorated withstump plants such as podocarpus, red leaf, black pine, etc., giving people theenjoyment of beauty.

now we have passed through fengxi district and returned to the east gate ofbaotu spring park. that's all for today's explanation. please forgive me for theimproper explanation and leave your valuable opinions.


i live in a beautiful city, that is jinan in shandong province. jinan is aspring city, where there are many springs. there are mazhong spring, baotuspring, jinxian spring, etc., which are scenic spots formed by springs. inaddition to the three springs, there are 69 famous springs. jinan has manysprings and each has its own characteristics. today i'll talk about baotuspring, the eldest of springs.

baotu spring is located in jingqi road, jinan, which is divided into southgate and north gate. as soon as you enter the gate, you will see colorful"flowers". you can't wait to walk to the spring. you can see three springsgushing up, cheering and jumping. it's very spectacular. it's always so livelyand bright, as if it's indefatigable. the surrounding koizumi's eyes are moreinteresting. some suddenly come up with a bunch of small bubbles, crystal clear;some. they don't come up with a small bubble, but they come back shyly; somesuddenly come up with a bunch of small bubbles, like a bunch of grapes; someshake up with a bunch of small bubbles, like a drunken man, and disappear in themiddle of the way, some

jinan has not only water, but also mountains. that is qianfo mountain is located in the southwest corner of baotu spring. it wascalled lishan in ancient times. there are hundreds of buddhas, large and small,on the mountain. let's say that guanyin garden is vividly portrayed, even thewhite sand clothes on the body are clearly visible. the most interesting thingis the five children around guanyin. sitting on the lotus, the two little boyson the left each rode a little elephant, and they were very proud. the two boysbeside them, with their feet on the wheel of wind and fire and spears in theirhands, looked very energetic. a child on the right holds a rosary bead in hisleft hand and a ring of fire in his right. he looks forward as if he will fightwith anyone he sees. he looks very powerful. the lake is clear and the fish andalgae in the water are clearly visible. guanyin and fairy children are reflectedin the clear water of the lake, which is more realistic. it embodies thecrystallization of the wisdom of the working people. every september 9, a grandtemple fair is held here, integrating economy and culture.

besides water and mountains, jinan also has a botanical garden. there areexotic flowers and plants, gorgeous peonies, strange trees and drought resistantcactus. through the hands of the workers, it becomes more interesting. if youwalk on the quiet and elegant path, it's like coming to a fairyland.

jinan also has many famous foods, baked sweet potato is a major specialty,it is sweet and soft, but also exudes a fragrance, make people salivate, andthen cold days to eat a baked sweet potato, it will not be cold.

i love the mountains, water and trees in jinan, and i love my hometownjinan even more.


